Classical homeopathy translated in a modern way
Homeopathy literally means "similar affliction" and is an alternative treatment method based on the ideas of the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann published from 1796. The most important basic assumption is the principle of similarity formulated by the founder: "Like should be cured by like". According to this, a homeopathic medicine should be selected in such a way that it can cause similar symptoms in healthy people to those from which the sick person suffers, whereby the mind also ; and the character of the patient should be taken into account. When making the diagnosis, both physical and psychological symptoms are taken into account. The classic homeopath considers the natural behavior and the mood of the patient. Such an anamnesis is designed as an extensive survey It can last up to 2 hours. In this conversation, the therapist tries to find out as much as possible about the life of the patient. Not only past and current complaints are important, but nutrition, physical activity and the basic mental attitude are also important .After the first appointment will be the information is collected and evaluated by the therapist. This evaluation is called repertorization. In the follow-up appointment, the patient receives a homeopathic remedy in the appropriate potency. While taking the remedy, contact with the therapist should be maintained in order to be able to assess the effect and success of the treatment. A distinction is made between acute remedies and constitutional remedies. It is common in homeopathy for remedies to be repeatedly repertorized and re-administered. For a detailed homeopathic anamnesis, an appointment of at least 90 minutes is recommended.